Hiring Candidates have
never been easier
What we do
Since 2021, we have helped 500+ companies hire over 3000+ incredible candidates
Dedicated HR Support 24*7

Specializing in sourcing top-tier tech talent for unparalleled organizational growth

Streamline interviews

Software simplifies scheduling, candidate evaluation, and hiring process for seamless recruitment

Automates feedback

Software streamlines collecting, analyzing, and processing interview feedback for efficient decision-making

Efficiently manage multiple vendors

Software streamlines helps in uploading resumes, coordination, Tracking, and collaboration for all Jobs

Panel Management

Interview Panel account can be created who will be responsible to conduct interviews according to schedule

ATS HR Software

AI-driven solution for optimized recruitment, automation, and enhanced hiring efficiency

Innovative Hiring,
Get with Imejob
IMEJOB caters to a list of hiring software solution provider that performs the task of job postings, reviewing of resumes, interview management, and management of the hiring processes. IMEJOB Hiring solutions eliminate the hassle of manual recruitment with the AI-powered ATS system. With IMEJOB, you can easily bring together Candidates, Hiring Managers, Vendors and Recruiters on one digital platform, without any extra cost for logins!

With IMEJOB, your requirement for tech hiring comes under a single umbrella which provides software and services for all hiring needs like Resume Database search, ATS based auto processing, Vendor management, Interview Tracker, CRM and AI based video screening interview platform.